Is Old Age Over?

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The topic of aging is getting incredible press right now. At every turn, we see a new article, book, or television special highlighting this longstanding issue, and each time it is brought into the spotlight, there are a number of disruptive discussions surrounding what these new findings could mean for our high tech society. For years, researchers and scientists alike have sought to get to the bottom of the aging process. In fact, this year alone, we have seen an entire issue from MIT Technology Review dedicated to aging entitled, "Old Age Is Over", along with a CBS 60 minutes interview with George Church of Harvard Medical School's Lab, who calls for age reversal in humans within the next ten years.


When we think about the significance of potentially reversing the aging process, these claims may seem very bold. Over the next few weeks, we will be presenting a multipart Longevity Series, where we take a deep dive into longevity, aging, and emerging healthcare technologies (and how they can be applied), in order to slow or reverse the aging process altogether.

In today's blog post, we'll cover:

  1. Healthcare vs. Sick Care

  2. How the system is broken

  3. How to transform "Sick Care" to Healthcare

Healthcare vs. Sick Care

Healthcare today is reactive, bureaucratic, and expensive. It's sick care, not healthcare. But this system is radically changing at an exponential rate, and those who are willing to take responsibility for their health outcomes are making incredible strides towards health optimization. These individuals are no longer waiting to get sick, but instead, are using newfound knowledge regarding the link between inflammation and disease to better take control of their health. In fact, many of these individuals are utilizing the services made available at Cryo Recovery, in order to achieve inflammation reduction and overall disease prevention. But why is this so important? Inflammation is connected to nearly every known disease--aging included. It has been deemed by some researchers as the grand unified theory of disease, and according to Keith Nemec, Director of Chicago's Total Health Institute, all disease is merely inflammation existing at the cellular level.

Try thinking of it this way: Inflammation is like garbage in your driveway; it will attract flies and other unwanted pests. The Sick Care model of solving these problems would be to spray the driveway with insecticides, in order to prevent the flies. However, how much pesticide would be required? The answer is an infinite amount, because no matter how many files you kill, they will keep coming back. The goal of true healthcare is to change the environment and remove the garbage, thereby tackling the root cause, not just the symptoms.

How The System is Broken

Here is some of the latest data:

  • Doctors spend $210 billion per year on procedures that aren't based on patient need, but fear of liability.

  • Lifespan in the U.S. has decreased for the last four years while other developed countries have continued to increase their lifespan.

  • Americans spend, on average, $11,915 per person on healthcare — more than any other country on Earth by 35%

  • Prescription drugs cost around 50 percent more in the U.S. than in other industrialized countries.

  • At current rates, by 2025, nearly 25 percent of the U.S. GDP will be spent on healthcare.

  • It takes 12 years and $359 million, on average, to take a new drug from the lab to a patient.

  • Only 5 in 5,000 of these new drugs proceed to human testing. From there, only 1 of those five is approved for human use.


Our Approach to Transforming "Sick Care" to True Healthcare

Age is the most significant contributor to the onset of disease. A recent paper has provided the link between inflammation and aging; therefore, the target for both slowing aging and preventing disease is the management of inflammation. At Cryo Recovery, our approach to improving health and defying the aging process is to start with inflammation. This approach has seven pillars, and many of our services go hand in hand with these categories.

  1. Get Cold

  2. Exercise

  3. Fasting/Nutrition

  4. Mitochondrial Health

  5. Track Biomarkers

  6. Recovery and Sleep

  7. NAD boosters

Most of us believe that we are healthy (or healthy enough) until we face a setback that requires us to seek medical attention. At that point, we are diagnosed with a condition, and put on a prescribed protocol that controls the symptoms of our health issue. But what if we had a dashboard that allowed us to track our biomarkers in realtime, and possibly catch the potential health incident before it becomes a lifelong issue? This new technology is here, and over the next few months, Cryo Recovery will making this state of the art technology available to our members, in hopes of them being able to efficiently track their health and recovery data.

Take Home Points

Currently, there is a tremendous amount momentum in the field of longevity and aging technology. We see so much potential for the slowing and reversal of aging altogether. Over the next few weeks, our Longevity Series will discuss the newly available technology that enables individuals to track their health data (biomarkers, sleep, recovery, and therapy sessions), in order to optimize health and longevity. Here at Cryo Recovery, we are thrilled to be able to support your goals going into the new decade. Our hope is that you can look back in 2030, and remember that the year 2020 was the year that you took back control of your health! New year goals? Try new DECADE goals! Here's to optimizing your health, and aging in reverse!


The Data-Driven Healthcare Revolution


Chronic Inflammation and the Aging Process