Bill Hanks Bill Hanks

COVID-19 One Year Later: What We've Learned

It’s hard to believe that exactly one year ago, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. In today’s blog, we are taking a look back and reflecting on the last year and discussing the lessons that we’ve learned from living through the pandemic. Some of these newfound insights include: how to be more resilient, the link between Vitamin D and virus outcomes, the value of community, and more.

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health, covid-19, longevity, wellness Bill Hanks health, covid-19, longevity, wellness Bill Hanks

The Link Between Vitamin D and COVID-19

Vitamin D is arguably one of the most critical determinants of health and wellness. Nearly 50% of the population has suboptimal levels of this hormone, making them more vulnerable to a myriad of chronic and acute illnesses. Researchers have examined the potential link between Vitamin D levels and COVID outcomes, and while correlation is not causation, the findings to suggest that we be proactive in knowing our Vitamin D levels, and supplement when necessary.

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