Bill Hanks Bill Hanks

Heart Rate Variability + Your Recovery

Are you paying attention to your HRV? If not, you definitely should be! Knowing your HRV is knowing how recovered your body is, and research has confirmed that HRV is the best objective measurement of both fitness level + overall health of an individual. Today on the Cryo Recovery Blog, we’re talking all about Heart Rate Variability, what it means for your health, how to track + improve upon it, and so much more!

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Bill Hanks Bill Hanks

How To Combat Cold + Flu Season

Contrary to popular belief, Cold & Flu season isn’t much of a season at all. Yes, there are certain times of year where we are more inclined to succumbing to viral infections like the common cold and influenza; however, we can come down with these illnesses all year long. What increases our propensity to getting sick this time of year has much more to do with environmental factors and our own health behaviors, rather than scientific reasoning.

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Bill Hanks Bill Hanks

How to Prioritize Recovery After the Holidays

Christmas has come and gone, and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is finally beginning to wind down. In this blog post, we are discussing how to get back on track after holiday stress, overindulgence, and end of year burnout, along with providing tangible ways to bolster your immune system and reset your body after a very busy couple of months.

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Bill Hanks Bill Hanks

Understanding How Relationships Impact Our Health and Wellbeing

In this installment of the Inflammation Series, we are delving into the topic of relationships; more specifically, how our interpersonal relationships impact our health and wellbeing. While not a topic that is typically discussed amongst the mainstream wellness industry, research has proven time and time again that a person's relationships are a huge contributing factor to their overall health outcomes.

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Foods that Contribute to Inflammation and Moving Towards an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The third installment of our Inflammation Series covers Diet, and the ways under which our every day food choices can contribute to inflammation. In this post, we discuss 6 key foods that are linked to diet-related inflammation, and highlight 5 of the most powerful inflammation-fighting foods to add to your diet.

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Understanding The 5 Environmental Factors that Contribute to Inflammation

Last month, we began our Inflammation Series on the Cryo Recovery blog, and we discussed the six major categories that contribute to systemic inflammation: environment, diet, relationships, structural problems, stress, and toxins.

In this blog post, we are taking a deeper look at environment, along with the ways under which we are able to alter our environment, in order to reduce the inflammatory impact on our bodies.

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Inflammation Is Your Signal and What To Do About It

$ 1.9 trillion spent per year on treating diseases.  It is well know that inflammation is linked to almost every disease. So why are we not managing this better?

The medical sector makes money when we are sick. We are very skeptical that they have a system that is best for the individual. If you’re like us you want to take responsibility for your own health. 

Here is an informative blog on how inflammation is caused and what you can do about it.

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Why You Should Measure C-Reactive Protein (CRP)

Blog post discusses why CRP should be tracked and how to track.  Inflammation is the cause of all progressive diseases and tracking consistently gives you the opportunity to make changes before it becomes too late.  Also we discuss how you can measure inflammation at home without spending $100s and hours at doctor visits.  

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