Endosphères CELLULITE Therapy
The ultimate solutions for cellulite reduction and improving overall skin tone and texture.
About Endosphères Cellulite Treatment:
Endosphères Therapy is a globally recognized treatment for the face and body. Its revolutionary methods address body and face imperfections, stimulating blood flow, oxygenation and improving lymphatic drainage.
Endosphères Therapy achieves lymphatic drainage via the moving of trapped fluids and toxins towards the nearest lymphatic duct where they can then be cycled out of the body via the lymphatic system.
What is Endosphères?
Endosphères Therapy is a technology that uses an innovative Compressive Microvibration system, a treatment that, through a roller device composed of 55 silicon spheres, generates low-frequency mechanical vibrations. This acts on improving local blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, reducing the appearance of cellulite. The treatment can be performed on the whole body and face.
treatments for the whole body
The innovative Compressive Microvibration method used within Endosphères Therapy is the latest full body treatment on the market that allows you to target the areas of your body that you want to improve! Our treatments are effective on the whole body, from your forehead to your feet, and tackle everything from cellulite reduction to muscle toning.
the ultimate cellulite solution
Cellulite affects 9 out of every 10 people – men and women. Cellulite occurs because of hypertrophy of fat cells and water retention. Endosphères Therapy reduces cellulite by improving local blood circulation and smoothing the tissues of the problem areas.
optimize lymphatic drainage + circulation
Inefficient blood and lymphatic circulation can lead to pain and discomfort, along with other chronic health conditions. Endosphères Therapy reactivates the local blood circulation and activates the lymphatic system. Through optimizing this system, the entire body benefits.
Before + Afters

Treat Cellulite Now, Pay Later with Cherry Payment Plans
We're so excited announce that we are now offering Cherry on our most popular packages. If you've been wanting to try Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or any of our larger service packages, Cherry may be a fantastic option for you!
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✅ Budget friendly
There is no downside to applying, and Cherry doesn’t do a hard credit check. Enter the total treatment cost and choose one of the payment plans that work best for you when you pre-qualify here!
What is Endosphères Therapy?
Endosphères Therapy produces a vibration and pressure combination that we describe as ‘vascular gymnastics’ on the body. This ‘workout’ generates the drainage of fluids, reduces cellulite, improves local blood circulation, reduces pain, and improves muscle tone.
How often can I do this treatment?
We typically recommend weekly or 2x week, but our Beauty Specialist can build a treatment plan that is based on your goals, desired time frame, etc.
Is this treatment painful?
Some clients may find Endosphères mildly uncomfortable, while others find it quite pleasant. This depends on fluid stagnation and fibrous tissue and will vary from client to client. The method was devised precisely to avoid pain. The sensitivity of the tissues in your skin will gradually decrease over the course of a single treatment and the subsequent sessions of the cycle.
How long are the sessions?
A single session will vary from a minimum of approximately 45 minutes to a maximum of 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Is it safe?
Yes! Endosphères Therapy is a clinically tested technology, which has been tested at reputable universities and medical institutes. The treatment follows a precise scientific protocol. Practitioners receive training to be certified to practice the treatment.
How long does it take to see results?
The first results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging. During your first appointment, your therapist will carry out a detailed consultation to determine the appropriate number of sessions you’ll need for best results according to your physical condition and related lifestyle factors.
How many sessions will I need?
Generally, a complete body treatment is between 12-18 sessions. These sessions will happen anywhere from weekly, 2x/week, or in some cases, up to 3x/week. In cases of excessive sagging or excess weight, it may be necessary to receive 24 sessions to complete your full treatment.